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Thummar Jaswantbhai vs State Of Gujarat &

High Court Of Gujarat|26 September, 2013


(PER :
HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE RAVI R.TRIPATHI) The appellants- original petitioners are before this Court being aggrieved by judgement and order dated 20.07.2009, passed by the learned Single Judge, whereby the learned Single Judge was pleased to reject the petition as the learned Single Judge did not find merit therein.
2. Heard learned advocate Mr.N.V. Gandhi for the appellants, who strenuously tried to convince this Court that the learned Single Judge has committed error in not entertaining the petition and in rejecting the petition. The learned advocate pressed into service the very same contention which was raised before the learned Single Judge that the Collector ought to have heard the appellants- original petitioners before cancelling the auction.
The learned Single Judge has dealt with this aspect in para 5 of the judgement and order. The learned advocate could not convince this Court that this LPA is required to be entertained at the hands of this Court. Hence this LPA fails. The same is dismissed.
3. Consequently, no orders on the Civil Application. The Civil application is disposed of accordingly.
(RAVI R.TRIPATHI, J.) (R.D.KOTHARI, J.) karim Page 3 of 3
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Thummar Jaswantbhai vs State Of Gujarat &


High Court Of Gujarat

26 September, 2013