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Smt Sanjafi Devi vs Sri Amar Chand Under Secy To Govt India Mini And Ors

High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad|29 April, 2019


Court No. - 10
Case :- CONTEMPT APPLICATION (CIVIL) No. - 5562 of 2014 Applicant :- Smt. Sanjafi Devi Opposite Party :- Sri Amar Chand Under Secy. To Govt. India Mini And 2 Ors.
Counsel for Applicant :- Sunil Dubey Counsel for Opposite Party :- S.C.,Triloki Singh
Hon'ble Mahesh Chandra Tripathi,J.
List has been revised. No one appears to press the contempt application.
Sri Triloki Singh, learned counsel for the opposite party as well as Sri Devesh Vikram, learned Standing Counsel apprised to the Court that the order of Writ Court has been complied with and Affidavits of compliance dated 20.11.2014 filed on behalf of the opposite party no. 2 and 3 are on record.
In the facts and circumstances, the Court is of the opinion that substantial compliance has been made in the matter and the cause for filing of the contempt application no more survives.
Consequently, the present contempt application stands disposed of. Notices are discharged.
Order Date :- 29.4.2019 A.K.Srivastava
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Smt Sanjafi Devi vs Sri Amar Chand Under Secy To Govt India Mini And Ors


High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad

29 April, 2019
  • Mahesh Chandra Tripathi
  • Sunil Dubey