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Rishal Saini vs State Of Gujarat &

High Court Of Gujarat|27 September, 2013


Rule. Learned APP Mr.Dabhi waives service of rule for respondent no.1 and learned advocate Mr.Ravani waives service of rule for respondent no.2.
This application is filed praying for modification of condition no.6(e) of order dated 12.10.2012 passed in Criminal Miscellaneous Application No.9134 of 2012 with 8522 of 2012.
Considering the averments made in the application, submissions made by learned advocates for the parties and the fact that no untoward incident is reported after the applicant was released on bail and there was no breach of conditions during this period, this application is allowed. Condition No.6(e) of order dated 12.10.2012 passed in Criminal Miscellaneous Application No.9134 of 2012 with 8522 of 2012 is modified as follows:
6(e) not leave India without prior permission of the concerned Court;
Rule is made absolute. Direct service is permitted.
(M.D.SHAH, J.) Srilatha Page 2 of 2
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Rishal Saini vs State Of Gujarat &


High Court Of Gujarat

27 September, 2013