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Registrar Of Companies vs Kamal Infosys Ltd.

High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad|15 October, 2003


ORDER S.U. Khan, J.
1. These company petitions have been filed by Registrar of Companies U.P. and Uttaranchal, Kanpur under Section 439(e) and (f) of Companies Act for winding up of several companies. In every petition respondent No. 1 is the company sought to be wound up by the said petitioner.
2. As is apparent from the very first order passed in these petitions on 24-11-2001 (petitions were filed on 23-11-2001), the companies and their directors are being prosecuted as per investigation made by C.B.I. It revealed that the companies had cheated several thousands of investors, banks and financial institutions through forgery and by corrupt/illegal business. C.B.I, submitted a report on 20/23-8-2001 stating therein that it had registered criminal cases against the directors of the said companies. By the aforesaid order of 24-11-2001 petition was directed to be advertised in accordance with Rule 24 of Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 and notices were issued to the respondents. By the same order official liquidator was appointed as Provisional liquidator of the companies and was directed to take over the assets of the companies and to prepare inventories. By another order dated 29-1-2002 it was provided that the operation of the order of the Court dated 24-11-2001 directing the official liquidator to take over the possession of the assets as Provisional liquidator shall remain in abeyance upto 1st March, 2002. The said order dated 29-1-2002 has been extended from time to time and by virtue of the last order dated 29-8-2003 it is to remain in operation until 17-10-2003.
In these petitions on behalf of the respondents (i.e. company and its Directors) a preliminary objection has been raised regarding jurisdiction of this Court as the registered offices of all the Companies are situate in Lucknow. On 13-3-2003 an order was passed directing the case to be listed on 3-4-2003 alongwith the connected matters to enable Mr. Subodh Kumar to examine the matter regarding the preliminary objection as to the jurisdiction of the Allahabad High Court.
This question of jurisdiction involved in these petitions is also being raised in several other company petitions. Accordingly, arguments of learned counsel in this regard were heard on 18-9-2003 and order on the question of jurisdiction was reserved.
3. The decision on the question of jurisdiction depends upon the interpretation of Clause 14 of Uttar Pradesh High Court Amalgamation Order, 1948 and validity of the orders of the following dates passed by Chief Justice under aforesaid Clause 14.
26-7-1948 15-7-1949 5-8-1975 4-1-2003 14-1-2003 Clause 14 is quoted below :--
"14. The hew High Court and the judges and division courts thereof, shall sit at Allahabad or at such other places in the United Provinces as the Chief Justice may, with the approval of the Governor of the United Provinces, appoint:
Provided that unless the Governor of the United Provinces with the concurrence of the Chief Justice, otherwise directs, such judges of the new High Court, not less than two in number, as the Chief Justice, may, from time to time nominate, shall sit at Lucknow in order to exercise in respect of cases arising in such areas in Oudh, as the Chief Justice may direct, the jurisdiction and power for the time being vested in the new High Court:
Provided further that the Chief Justice may in his discretion order that any case or class of cases arising in the said areas shall be heard at Allahabad."
4. Shri Navin Sinha, learned Sr. Advocate appearing for some of the respondents has placed before the Court all the aforesaid orders of Hon'ble the Chief Justice passed under clause/para-14 of Uttar Pradesh High Court Amalgamation Order, 1948. Orders dated 26-7-1948 and 15-7-1949 are quoted below :
"Order dated 26-7-1948:In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 14 of the United Provinces High Courts (Amalgamation) Order, 1948, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad is pleased to direct that as from the 26-7-1948 until further orders, the Bench of the High Court at Lucknow shall exercise the jurisdiction and powers vested under the said Order in the High Court in respect of cases arising in the whole of Oudh.
Order dated 15-7-1949:In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 14 of the United Provinces High Courts (Amalgamation) Order, 1948, and in partial modification of the Court's notification No. 6103, dated July 26, 1948, as amended up-to-date, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad is pleased to direct that with effect from July 25, 1949, the Lucknow Bench of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad shall not exercise jurisdiction and power in respect of cases under the following Act arising within its existing territorial jurisdiction :--
The Amalgamation Order, 1948 was interpreted by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the authority in Nasiruddin v. State Transport Appellate Tribunal AIR 1976 SC 331. The said authority has been referred with approval in U.P. Rashtriya Chini Mill Adhikari v. State of U.P. AIR 1995 SC 2148. The Supreme Court while interpreting the first proviso to Clause 14 of the Amalgamation Order held that the power of the Hon'ble Chief Justice to direct (specify) the areas of Oudh, the jurisdiction in respect of cases arising wherein may be exercised by Judges sitting at Lucknow, may be invoked only once. Relevant portions of paras 30, 32, 33 and 37 of the said authority are quoted below :--
'30. The words "as the Chief Justice may direct" mean that the Chief Justice exercises the power to direct what the areas in Oudh are for exercise of jurisdiction by Judges at Lucknow Bench. Once that power is exercised, it is exhausted.
32. The direction which the Chief Justice has given once with regard to the areas in Oudh remains unaltered.
33. The second part of the first proviso to paragraph 14 shows that such areas in Oudh as the Chief Justice may direct are areas in respect of which once such direction is given, there is no intention in the Order to exercise such power of direction from time to time.
37. Second, the Chief Justice of the High Court has no power to increase or decrease the areas in Oudh from time to time. The areas in Oudh have been determined once by the Chief Justice and, therefore, there is no scope for changing the areas.'
5. The Full Bench judgment which was challenged in the aforesaid Supreme Court authority of Nasirudeen is also in Nirmal Dass Khaturia v. State Transport (Appellate) Tribunal AIR 1972 All. 200. In the minority judgment of the aforesaid Full Bench by Hon'ble S.N. Dwivedi, J. the second order of Chief Justice under Clause 14 dated 15-7-1949 is adverted to in paragraph 87 "Thus the Chief Justice has already directed that income tax and company cases arising in Oudh shall not be heard at Lucknow". However, the Supreme Court did not consider the said order dated 15-7-1949. (In fact the Supreme Court has also not specifically referred to the first order of Chief Justice dated 26-7-1948. It has been taken to be granted that Chief Justice has passed such an order).
6. It may be mentioned that regarding territorial jurisdiction an order was passed by the Hon'ble Chief Justice on 14-12-1948 excluding the cases arising in the District of Faizabad from the jurisdiction of Lucknow Bench. The said order was found without jurisdiction by a Five Judges Full Bench of this Court in Ram Lakhan Saran v. Sunni Central Board of Waqf AIR 1976 All. 532 on the basis of the decision of Supreme Court in Nasiruddin's case (supra).
7. In one of the cases a question arose regarding validity of the order dated 15-7-1949. The matter was decided in special appeal the judgment of which is in Sumac International Ltd. v. P.N.B. Capital Services (P.) Ltd. AIR 1997 All. 424. The argument before the learned Single Judge as well as the Division Bench was that in view of the Nasirudeen sauthority (supra) after passing of the order dated 26-7-1948 the source of passing similar orders dried up hence the Chief Justice had no jurisdiction to pass the order dated 15-7-1949 therefore the order is void and without jurisdiction. The Division Bench held that order dated 15-7-1949 does not affect territorial jurisdiction of Lucknow Bench defined by earlier order hence it is valid and not bad for want of authority.
8. It appears that even after the aforesaid Division Bench authority of Sumac International Ltd.'s case (supra) matters pertaining to companies like winding up and amalgamation petitions particularly regarding those companies which had their registered office within the territorial jurisdiction of Lucknow Bench continued to be filed at and entertained by Lucknow Bench. In order to stop this practice which was against ratio of the Division Bench authority of Sumac International Ltd.'s case (supra) the Chief Justice passed an order on 4-1-2003 directing that in view of the authority of Sumac International Ltd.'s case (supra) the position in regard to the exercise of jurisdiction under Companies Act as enforced with effect from 15-7-1949 shall stand restored in supersession of the intervening orders. The said order is quoted below:
"1. Perused the file.
2. Taking into consideration the judgment rendered by a Division Bench of this court in the case of Sumac International Ltd. v. P.N.B. Capital Services Ltd., decided on July 2, 1997 reported in 1998 Company Cases Volume 93 Page 236 as well as the judgment of this court rendered by another Division Bench in the case of Smt. Padmawati v. The Official Liquidator (Special Appeal No. 7 of 1979) connected with the case of Sri Jugal Kishore v. Official Liquidator dated 24-9-1982, which have since attained finality, specially the observations made therein; the position in regard to the exercise of jurisdiction, entertainment and disposal of the matters falling within the ambit of the Companies Act as enforced w.e.f 15-7-1949 shall stand restored in supersession of the intervening orders covering the subject passed thereafter.
3. Let the consequential steps be taken in the light of the observations made in para 39 of the judgment of this Court rendered by a Full Bench of five Judges in the case of Ram Lakhan Saran v. The Sunni Central Board of Waqf, U.P., Lucknow reported in AIR 1976 All. 532.
Sd/-Illegible Acting Chief Justice 4-1-2003."
After passing of aforesaid order by the Chief Justice dated 4-1-2003 it appears that the members of Lucknow Bar brought to the notice of the Chief Justice an order dated 5-8-1975 passed by Chief Justice under Clause-14. In the said order it was provided that in supersession of the notifications dated 15-7-1949 and 2-7-1954 the Chief Justice is pleased to direct that w.e.f. 1-10-1975 the Lucknow Bench shall exercise the jurisdiction and power of the High Court in respect of cases under Companies Act upto the stage of winding up. The complete order is annexed as Annexure-1 to this judgment. It is quite clear that until the said notification was brought to the notice of the Chief Justice by Lucknow Bar after passing of the order dated 4-1-2003 by the Chief Justice no one at Allahabad was aware of the aforesaid notification of 1975 otherwise the said notification would have been considered by the aforesaid Division Bench authority of Sumac International Ltd. 's case (supra) and noticed in the order dated 4-1-2003. On enquiry the Registry has informed that after intimation about the said order by Lucknow Bar a search was made and a photocopy of the aforesaid order of 1975 was found in a file of Administrative Section/Office of the High Court. It is most unfortunate that orders passed by Chief Justice under Clause-14 of the amalgamation order which affect the jurisdiction of Allahabad and Lucknow are not collectively kept in a separate file. The Registrar General is directed to maintain separate file for the said purpose and keep therein all the available orders in this regard and orders which may be passed in future. The Chief Justice on being informed about the 1975 order passed another order on 14-1-2003 modifying its earlier order dated 4-1-2003 to the extent that the figures 15-7-1949 were substituted by 1-10-1975. True copy of order of Hon'ble the Chief Justice dated 14-1-2003 is quoted below :--
'Since the order dated 5th August, 1975, passed by Hon'ble the Chief Justice in exercise of powers conferred by Clause 14 of the U.P. High Court (Amalgamation) Order, 1948. In supersession of the potification dated 15th July, 1949, had not been brought to my notice, it will be appropriate that the order dated 4-1-2003 is suitably modified.
Accordingly, it is directed that the date "25th July, 1949" occurring in paragraph 2 of the order dated 4-1-2003 be deleted and substituted by "1st October; 1975".
The Registrar General shall take immediate steps to communicate this order to the Senior Judge at Lucknow Bench for information.
Sd/- illegible Acting Chief Justice 14-1-2003.'
9. Part of paragraph 13 of Sumac International Ltd.'s case (supra) is quoted below :--
"....The phraseology used in the order, dated 15-7-1949 is wide enough and excludes even the institution of the cases under the Companies Act at Lucknow. The expression used in the Order is 'exercise of jurisdiction and power' which is much wider than the expression 'heard', to include the institution of cases also. Thus, in terms of the order, dated 15-7-1949 all company cases could be filed and heard at Allahabad. We are, in respectful agreement with the view taken by Division Bench in case of Jugal Kishore. Even assuming for sake of arguments that the contention of learned counsel for the appellant is correct, as the learned counsel does not dispute that the case can be lawfully heard at Allahabad, it shall be only a technical breach if petition is instituted at Allahabad instead of Lucknow as it has to be ultimately heard at Allahabad and for this technical defect or reason, in our opinion, it shall not be appropriate to hold that the proceedings are not maintainable at Allahabad. If the petition is instituted and heard at Allahabad, it shall not be a case of total lack of jurisdiction. It may at the most can be said to be defective exercise of jurisdiction at one stage but which is rendered ineffective at the stage of hearing has come. Ultimately both the benches at Allahabad and Lucknow from one High Court..." (p. 428) Subsequent observation in the aforesaid paragraph starting from "Even assuming" with great respect to the Division Bench has added to the confusion regarding jurisdiction pertaining to company matters.
10. At present there appears to be total anarchy in the matter of filing, entertaining and hearing of cases under Companies Act. In several cases it has given rise to disturbing situations which is against the interest of administration of justice. In company matters stakes involved are quite high and often large number of people are affected as in the case in hand. Hence it is all the more desirable in company matters to settle the jurisdiction dispute authoritatively, lest cases under Companies Act become res nullius like a fish in the sea or a bird in the sky, which becomes the property of the one who catches it first.
11. The following are the illustrations where seemingly concurrent jurisdiction of both Allahabad and Lucknow has prompted me to make the above observations. Regarding the company known by the name of M/s. Sapa Electricals Pvt. Limited having its registered office at Varanasi, a case by some of the creditors for winding up of the company was filed before Lucknow Bench being company petition No. 31 of 2001 (C.P.) and the Lucknow Bench by order dated 12-12-2001 passed an order appointing official liquidator as provisional liquidator. The order is annexed herewith as Annexure-2. Another similar case for winding up of the said company by some other creditor was filed at Allahabad being Company petition No. 2 of 2002. In the said case this Court after taking into consideration the directions contained in the said order dated 12-12-2001 passed by Lucknow Bench concluded by order dated 23-1-2002 that through the said order only a provisional liquidator had been appointed and the Company had not been wound up order dated 23-1-2002 is Annexure-3. Another petition by some other creditors for winding up of the same company was filed at Allahabad being Company Petition No. 79 of 1998 and in the said petition on 10-3-2003 company was directed to be wound up order dated 10-3-2003 is Annexure-4. In the said order also order passed by the Lucknow Bench dated 12-12-2001 was considered. The order passed by the Lucknow Bench dated 12-12-2001 may be interpreted to be a final order of winding up and the word Provisional Liquidator may have been used inadvertently. In the said order it is mentioned that notice of the petition had been published in newspapers and Gazette, This is as per requirement of Rule 24 of Companies (Court) Rules. In the said order reference to Rule 113 of the said Rules which deals with consequences which shall follow on passing of the final winding up order has been made. U.P. Power Corporation had given some transformers to M/s. Sapa Electricals Pvt. Ltd. The Corporation has filed several cases at Allahabad for return of the transformers. However orders are not being passed on the said cases as in view of the orders of Lucknow Bench as well as this Court regarding winding up of the said Company it is not clear as to which Court is to pass such orders. The numbers of some of such cases are Company Petition Nos. 45, 47, 49 and 53 all of 2003.
12. There is another company known by the name of Kuber Mutual Benefit Ltd. having its registered office at Meerut. Reserve Bank of India filed a winding up petition in this Court being Company Petition No. 87 of 1999 for winding up of the company. In the said petition on 26-11-2001 official liquidator was appointed as provisional liquidator and he was directed to take steps for taking over possession of the assets of the company and make inventories thereof. By another order dated 23-4-2002 the said company has been wound up and official liquidator has been appointed as liquidator of the company and directed to take charge of company's properties and assets etc. I am informed by official liquidator that the said company and/or its Directors have also filed some cases at Lucknow Bench and orders have been passed therein directing the company and its Directors to clear the debts and make payment to the investors by selling the assets of the company.
13. On 25-9-2003 in Company Petition No. 26 of 2003 Hon'ble S. Harkauli, J. passed a detailed order and directed the Registry to place the records of the case before Hon'ble Chief Justice for appropriate orders for "considering whether a formal order under Clause 14 should be passed directing that this case shall be heard at Allahabad". Copy of Order is annexed as Annexure-5.
14. In view of the above, it is essential to settle the dispute by authoritative pronouncement. Initially I was tempted to refer the matter to Full Bench however later on I realized that it would not be in accordance with judicial discipline - Vide Constitution Bench authority of Supreme Court in Union of India v. Hansoli Devi AIR 2002 SC 3240.
15. Accordingly, the matter is referred to Division Bench for deciding the question of jurisdiction which is tentatively framed as follows :--
"Whether this company petition filed for winding up of the company (M/s. Kamal Infosys Ltd., respondent No. 1) having its registered office at Lucknow is maintainable in the High Court at Allahabad."
16. Let the papers be placed before Hon'ble the Chief Justice for constitution of the Division Bench as aforesaid.
17. In view of urgency and enormity of the problem the Hon'ble Chief Justice is requested to constitute the Bench at the earliest convenience.
18. The order dated 29-1-2002 suspending the order dated 24-11-2001 shall remain in operation until 31-12-2003 unless vacated or modified earlier.
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Registrar Of Companies vs Kamal Infosys Ltd.


High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad

15 October, 2003
  • S Khan