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Ravi Manohar Saxena And Others vs Vinay Kumar Pandey

High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad|29 April, 2019


Court No. - 10
Case :- CONTEMPT APPLICATION (CIVIL) No. - 2560 of 2019 Applicant :- Ravi Manohar Saxena And 2 Others Opposite Party :- Vinay Kumar Pandey, Director, Madhyamik Shiksha Counsel for Applicant :- Ashish Dwivedi,Dinesh Kumar Singh
Hon'ble Mahesh Chandra Tripathi,J.
Heard learned counsel for the applicant.
The petitioner is before this Court for a direction to initiate contempt proceeding against the respondents for disobedience of the order dated 04.05.2018 passed in Writ-A No.4998 of 2012 (Ravi Manohar Saxena and others vs. State of U.P. & Ors.). For ready reference the order dated 04.05.2018 is quoted as under:-
"In this view of the matter, the impugned order dated 7.12.2011 is wholly illegal and arbitrary and passed in contravention of the findings recorded by the committee in its report dated 30.3.2010.
This writ petition is allowed and the impugned order dated 7.12.2011 is set aside.
The matter is however remitted to the respondent no. 2-Director of Education (M), U.P. Lucknow to decide the controversy afresh in the light of the observations made above after giving opportunity of hearing to the petitioners as well as to the respondents no. 6,7 and 8 within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order."
The Court has proceeded to peruse the record in question and finds that in compliance of the aforesaid order, the Director of Education (Secondary), U.P. has proceeded to pass an order dated 16.01.2019 and the claim set up by the applicant/petitioner has been rejected and as such, this Court is of the considered opinion that moreover the grievance raised by the applicant has been redressed and at this stage, no interference is required in the matter. However, in case the applicant is still aggrieved, he is at liberty to agitate his grievance before the appropriate forum.
With these observation, the contempt application is disposed of.
Order Date :- 29.4.2019 A. Pandey
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Ravi Manohar Saxena And Others vs Vinay Kumar Pandey


High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad

29 April, 2019
  • Mahesh Chandra Tripathi
  • Ashish Dwivedi Dinesh Kumar Singh