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Ramkala vs State

High Court Of Gujarat|18 November, 2010


Mr.M.S.Rao, learned counsel for respondent No.3 in Special Civil Application No.369/2004, submits that he is now no longer representing Deputy Director General NCC, who is respondent No.3 in the petition and the brief has also been handed over to the said respondent. Therefore, he tenders letter dated 1.9.2010, wherein it is mentioned that his term as Additional Central Government Standing Counsel has come to an end in June, 2005. The same is taken on the record of the case. The matter is adjourned to 11.1.2011.
It is hoped that respondent No.3 shall make alternative arrangements to have the matter defended. Mr.Rao is requested to convey the same to Shri P.S.Champaneri, learned Additional Solicitor General of India.
Abhilasha Kumari, J.) ~gaurav~ Top
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Ramkala vs State


High Court Of Gujarat

18 November, 2010