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Ram Gopal vs State Of U P

High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad|12 October, 2018


Court No. - 42
Case :- CRIMINAL MISC. BAIL APPLICATION No. - 39644 of 2018 Applicant :- Ram Gopal Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. Counsel for Applicant :- Ram Tiwari Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.
Hon'ble Arvind Kumar Mishra-I,J.
Heard learned counsel for the applicant as well as learned AGA for the State of U.P and perused the material available on record.
Contention raised on behalf of the applicant has been confined to the extent that the applicant is innocent and has been falsely implicated in this case. The applicant is named in the first information report and has been arrested on the spot, whereas, the co-accused who is named in the first information report and was also arrested on the spot has already been admitted to bail by this Court vide order dated 04.10.2018 in Criminal Misc. Bail Application No.38033 of 2018. The applicant does not bear any criminal history and is languishing in jail since 05.09.2018.
Learned AGA has opposed prayer for bail. However, learned AGA has not disputed the aforesaid facts.
Without expressing any opinion on merits of the case but considering the facts and circumstances of the case, nature of accusation and the severity of punishment in case of conviction and the nature of supporting evidence, reasonable apprehension of tampering with witness or apprehension of threat to the complainant and prima facie satisfaction of the Court in support of the charge, the applicant is entitled to be released on bail. Accordingly, bail application is allowed.
Let the applicant Ram Gopal involved in Case Crime No.516 of 2018, under Sections 379, 411 I.P.C., Police Station Bidhanu, District Kanpur Nagar be released on bail on his executing a personal bond and furnishing two sureties each in the like amount to the satisfaction of the court concerned with the following conditions;
(i) The applicant will not tamper with the evidence during the trial.
(ii) The applicant will not pressurise/intimidate the prosecution witness.
(iii) The applicant will appear before the trial court on the date fixed.
In case of breach of any of the above conditions, the court below shall be at liberty to cancel the bail.
Order Date :- 12.10.2018 rkg
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Ram Gopal vs State Of U P


High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad

12 October, 2018
  • Arvind Kumar Mishra I
  • Ram Tiwari