Court No. - 45
Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. - 43290 of 2018 Applicant :- Nishant Kumar Opposite Party :- State Of Up And Anr Counsel for Applicant :- Mohammad Faisal Khan Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.
Hon'ble Siddharth,J.
The applicant has approached this Court against the order dated 07.9.2018 passed by Principal Judge, Family Court, Muzaffar Nagar, in Case No. 1555 of 2014, under Section 125 Cr.P.C., Police Station Kotwali Nagar, District Muzaffar Nagar.
Learned AGA has objected the aforesaid order impugned in this application is revisable order.
Learned counsel for the applicant prays that he may be permitted to withdraw this application with liberty to file a revision challenging the aforesaid order.
It is, accordingly, dismissed with liberty to file a revision. Certified copy of order should be returned to the learned counsel for the applicant after keeping the photocopy thereof on record, within three day..
Order Date :- 30.11.2018 Ruchi Agrahari