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Nandlalbhai vs Chief

High Court Of Gujarat|20 June, 2012


Instead of proceeding with the hearing, though reply affidavit has been filed by respondent, learned counsel for the petitioner has requested for time to file rejoinder in response to the reply affidavit filed by the respondent company since 11.06.2012.
He has submitted that another petition similar to present petition, is likely to come up for hearing on 25th June 2012.
Hence, time until 25th June 2012 is granted at the request of learned Advocate for petitioner.
On earlier occasion, learned counsel for the respondent company had made statement and given assurance to the Court that in the meanwhile any steps or any further action will not be taken by the respondent. However, today, the learned counsel for respondent company has refused to extend the statement. Therefore, it is clarified that if, on 25th June 2012, after hearing the petitioner, any interim relief as prayed for or in any other form is granted and at that stage it is found that the respondent company has taken any action in the meanwhile i.e. before 25th June 2012, then the Court may consider to pass appropriate orders including order directing the respondent company to demolish any construction and/or undo any other work carried out in the interregnum. S.O. to 25.06.2012.
(K.M.THAKER, J.) jani Top
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Nandlalbhai vs Chief


High Court Of Gujarat

20 June, 2012