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Mohmed vs State

High Court Of Gujarat|28 April, 2011


(Per : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE RAVI R.TRIPATHI) 1.0 Present application is filed by the applicant - convict through jail seeking Temporary Bail for a period of 45 days. Learned Additional Public Prosecutor Mr. Pandya made available for perusal the Jail Remarks. Only in the month of February 2011, the applicant - convict had enjoyed furlough leave. Besides, in the application itself it is mentioned that the mother is getting pension of Rs.800/- per month.
2.0 No case is made out for grant of Temporary Bail. Hence, this application is rejected.
[ Ravi R. Tripathi, J. ] [ P. P. Bhatt, J. ] hiren Top
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Mohmed vs State


High Court Of Gujarat

28 April, 2011