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Minu vs Unioin

High Court Of Gujarat|28 June, 2012


(Per : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE AKIL KURESHI) Heard Mr. Gupta for the petitioner. None was present for the respondents.
The petitioners had come at a stage where goods imported by them were detained. The department was insisting on furnishing bank guarantee of 25% of the bond amount. The petitioners had therefore, prayed that respondents be directed to release the goods forthwith on payment of full duty with interest and furnishing bond, however, without insisting on bank guarantee. By order dated 20.9.2007, this Court granted interim relief to the petitioners directing the respondents to release the goods provided the petitioners pay duty along with interest amount and also furnish bond. It was clarified that the respondents are restrained from insisting on furnishing the bank guarantee.
Counsel for the petitioners stated that petitioners paid such duty and interest and also furnished bond upon which the goods were released.
Under the circumstances, the petition has exhausted itself. Goods having already been released, no further directions are required to be issued. It is however, clarified that final assessment, if not yet done, shall be completed in accordance with law unmindful of any interim or final directions issued in this petition. Petition is disposed of accordingly. Rule is discharged.
In view of disposal of the petition, Civil Application does not survive. Disposed of accordingly.
(Akil Kureshi,J.) (Harsha Devani,J.) (raghu) Top
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Minu vs Unioin


High Court Of Gujarat

28 June, 2012