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Mamad vs Usman

High Court Of Gujarat|29 August, 2012


1. When this Appeal is taken up for hearing, both the learned advocates have stated that this matter was fully heard by another learned Judge which could be found recorded in order dated 29.8.2012.
2. It appears from the order sheet that on 29.8.2012 the Court has passed following order:
"Arguments concluded. S.O to 05.09.2012"
3. Both the learned advocates, therefore, stated that they would like to make request to Hon'ble Chief Justice to place this matter before the same Hon'ble Judge before whom the arguments were concluded.
4. In view of the above, this matter is presently adjourned to 8th of October, 2012 to enable learned advocates to take appropriate steps as stated above.
Soni, J.] Braj*
Disclaimer: Above Judgment displayed here are taken straight from the court; Vakilsearch has no ownership interest in, reservation over, or other connection to them.

Mamad vs Usman


High Court Of Gujarat

29 August, 2012