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Maitri Foundation & vs Ld. Official Liquidator Of Maccas ...

High Court Of Gujarat|24 September, 2013


In view of the request made in the summons dated 03.04.2013, it comes out that applicant wants modification of order dated 26.02.2013. The said order is passed by other Hon'ble Court (Coram:Hon'ble Mr.Justice R.M.Chhaya). Therefore, in view of the request made by learned advocate for the applicant, office is required to consider the said request and place the matter before the Hon'ble Court where the order dated 26.02.2013 came to be passed.
(K.M.THAKER, J.) Girish Page 1 of 1
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Maitri Foundation & vs Ld. Official Liquidator Of Maccas ...


High Court Of Gujarat

24 September, 2013