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Lakhiben vs State

High Court Of Gujarat|06 July, 2012


1. By way of this application, the applicants have prayed to direct the learned Judicial Magistrate First Class, Porbandar to release the amount of maintenance.
2. Heard counsel for the respective parties. The learned counsel for the parties have arrived at a consensus that the petitioner shall be permitted to withdraw the amount of Rs.1,20,000/- deposited before the trial Court concerned pursuant to the order dated 12,02,2006 passed by this Court in Special Criminal Application No. 1335/2006. In view of the consensus arrived at between the parties, the trial Court concerned shall permit the applicant to withdraw an amount of Rs.1,20,000/- [Rupees One lakh Twenty Thousand only] subject to the adjustments which is required to be made.
3. With the above clarification, the application stands disposed of accordingly. Direct Service is permitted.
JHAVERI, J.] /phalguni/ Top
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Lakhiben vs State


High Court Of Gujarat

06 July, 2012