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Kishorkumar vs Central

High Court Of Gujarat|18 November, 2010


Mr. Ravani, learned counsel waives service of Rule on behalf of the respondent No.1 and Mr. H.L. Jani, learned APP waives service of the Rule on behalf of respondent No.2 State.
This is an application filed by the applicant for deleting the condition imposed on the applicant by the learned Special Judge directing to surrender the passport.
Learned counsel Mr. Anandjiwala appearing on behalf of the applicant submitted that the present applicant is totally disabled man and his wife and son are now at London. Therefore, the applicant may be permitted to retain his passport with him.
Learned counsel Mr. Ravani,learned counsel for respondent No.1 and Learned APP Mr. H.L. Jani for respondent No.2 State have strongly opposed the application of the applicant and submitted that the application is required to be dismissed.
I have perused the application along with papers and also considered the submissions made by the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the parties. Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, I am of the opinion that till today, the applicant has no programme to visit abroad. He has prayed to obtain his passport from the CBI for getting it renewed from the Passport Office.
In view of the above discussion, the application is partly allowed. The applicant is permitted to obtain his passport from CBI to get it renewed and after renewal of the passport, he shall surrender his passport to the CBI. The applicant is at liberty to approach this Court as and when his programme to visit abroad is fixed. Rule is made absolute to the aforesaid extent.
(Z.K.SAIYED, J.) ynvyas Top
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Kishorkumar vs Central


High Court Of Gujarat

18 November, 2010