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Kalicheti Gopala Reddy vs The State Of A P

High Court Of Telangana|04 July, 2014


* THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE U. DURGA PRASAD RAO + Criminal Appeal No.68 of 2006 %04.07.2014 Between:
Kalicheti Gopala Reddy. ....
Appellant AND The State of A.P Rep. by Inspector of Police, ACB, Nellore. …. Respondent ! Counsel for Appellant : Sri A. Hari Prasad Reddy ^ Counsel for Respondent : Sri Ghani A Musa, Spl. Public Prosecutor for ACB < Gist:
> Head Note:
? Cases referred:
Aggrieved by the judgment dated 30.12.2005 in C.C.No.19 of 2000 passed by the learned Special Judge for SPE and ACB cases, Nellore, convicting AO1 for the offences under Sections 7, 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) of Prevention of Corruption Act (for short ‘PC Act’) and sentencing him to suffer RI for six months and pay fine of Rs.1,000/- and in default of payment of fine to suffer SI for one month on first count and also sentencing him to under go RI for one year and pay fine of Rs.2,000/- and in default of payment of fine to suffer SI for two months on second count, AO1 preferred the instant Criminal Appeal.
2) The factual matrix of the case which led to file the present appeal is thus:
a) PW1 a resident of Mittatmakur in Gudur Mandal, purchased    Ac.1.94 cts. of land in his village from T.Poli Reddy through a registered sale deed in the year 1983 and raised lemon garden therein, but did not obtain pattadar pass book. AO1 about five or six times during two years prior to 12.07.1999, asked AO1 for issuance of pattadar pass book; AO1 informed him that he has to spend about 2 to 3 thousand for obtaining pattadar pass book. Hence, PW1 kept quite thinking that there was no loss for not having pass book. However, later coming to know that pattadar pass book and title deed are necessary to obtain bank loans, he met Srinivasacharlu—Superintendent in the office of MRO, Gudur (LW5) on 26.06.1999 in a Revenue Sadassu held at Mittatmakur and handed over photostat copy of sale deed (Ex.P7) and requested him to issue pattadar pass book and title deed. LW5 instructed him to come to MRO office within four or five days with four photographs. Accordingly, PW1 went to MRO office and met LW5. He called AO1 and handed over copy of sale deed and photos and instructed him to prepare pass book and hand over to PW1 and AO1 asked PW1 to come on next day.
b) When PW1 approached AO1 on the next day and met him in MRO office, AO1 expressed anger and questioned him as to how he thought that work would be done freely even if he reports to superior officers. Saying so, AO1 picked out pattadar pass book and title deed from his bag and obtained signatures of PW1 and asked him to approach on 12.07.1999 at 11 AM. Accordingly, PW1 approached AO1 at VAO’s building near the office of MRO, Gudur and enquired him about the pass book. Then, AO1 informing that pass book was ready and he would give it to him, demanded PW1 to pay bribe of Rs.1,000/-. When questioned by PW1, AO1 replied that he would not reduce the amount and further told that pattadar pass book would be given to PW1 as and when bribe amount was paid to him. Having no other go PW1 returned back.
c) Not willing to pay bribe, PW1 got prepared Ex.P3—report through V.Raghurami Reddy (PW3) and submitted to DSP, ACB, Nellore (PW8) who registered a case in Cr.No.11/RCT- NLR/99 and laid trap on 13.07.1999 with the help of PW2— K.Venkateswarlu and LW3—J.Yesuratnam, the mediators.
d) On 13.07.1999, PW8 conducted pre-trap proceedings in his office in the presence of mediators and PW1 and other trap members from 7.00 AM to 8.10 AM and thereafter trap party proceeded to Gudur and reached at 9.10 AM. On the instructions of PW8 (TLO), PW1 approached AO1 at Room No.2 of Grama Paripalanadhikarula, Sevakula Vasathi Bhavan and enquired AO1 about his pattadar pass book. AO1 informed that pattadar pass book and title deeds were ready and signatures of MRO have to be obtained. Then, he enquired PW1 whether he brought the bribe amount of Rs.1,000/-. PW1 affirmed. Then, AO1 brought PW1 into the adjacent hall and demanded and accepted Rs.1,000/- from him. Meanwhile, AO2—document writer working in Sub-Registrar Office, Gudur who occupied Room No.3 in the said building for rent came there. Then, AO1 handed over the said amount to AO2 and asked him to keep the money saying that he will take it later in the evening. AO2 knowing the said amount as bribe received the same and went to his room. AO1 then instructed PW1 to come two days later to receive the pattadar pass book, in the meanwhile, he would obtain the signatures of MRO and concerned officers on the pattadar pass book and title deeds.
e) PW1 came out and gave pre-arrange signal thereby the trap party rushed into the room of AO1. The TLO subjected fingers of both hands of AO1 to chemical test of which the right hand fingers yielded positive result. On the information of AO1, the trap party rushed the room of AO2 and subjected fingers of his both hands to chemical test which yielded positive result. On enquiry, AO2 opened his table drawer and produced tainted amount (MO3) which was seized by PW8. He also seized Ex.P1—pattadar pass book, Ex.P2—title deed and Ex.P7— photo copy of sale deed from AO1. Then, Ex.P8 rough sketch of scene of offence was prepared and later Ex.P9—second mediators report was drafted incorporating the trap events and the explanation of both AOs. PW9 laid charge sheet after investigation.
f) On appearance of accused, the trial Court framed charges under Sections 7, 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) against AO1 and charge under Section 12 of PC Act against AO2 and conducted trial.
g) During trial, PWs.1 to 9 were examined and Exs.P1 to P12 were marked and MOs.1 to 9 were exhibited on behalf of prosecution. DW1 was examined on behalf of defence.
h) The defence theory is total denial of case.
i) AO1’s version is that PW1 and PW3 belonged to Telugu Desam Party whereas one Sundararami Reddy and Y.Srinivasulu Reddy belonged to Congress Party. AO1 was moving closely with them and therefore PW1 and PW3 became inimical towards AO1 and hence they hatched a plan to implicate him (AO1) in a false case. Regarding trap incident, his spontaneous explanation as per Ex.P9—second mediators report was that PW1 approached him and requested for issuance of pattadar pass book and as the pass book and title deed were yet to be signed by MRO, Gudur, he asked PW1 to come after a couple of days. Then, PW1 asked him to get a partition deed prepared dividing the properties between him and his brother, then he (AO1) called AO2 who was running his office in the opposite Room No.3 into the hall of the building. As PW1 paid Rs.1,000/- towards charges for preparation of partition deed, he received the said amount with his right hand and gave it to AO2 to keep the amount saying that he would tell the details of deed to be prepared. Accordingly, AO2 received the amount and went into his room. He (AO1) came to Room No.2. In the meanwhile, ACB officials came and caught him. Thus, AO1 contended that he never demanded and accepted bribe from PW1.
j) The defence version of AO2 is also same.
k) It may be noted that during trial, AO1 changed his defence plea which will be discussed at the relevant place of the judgment.
l) A perusal of the judgment would show that the trial Court opined that prosecution could not establish any offence against AO2 to the effect that he received the money knowing that it was bribe. The trial Court accordingly acquitted AO2. Then AO1 is concerned, trial Court observed that prosecution could establish demand and acceptance of bribe by him. AO1 by taking different defence pleas—one during trap and other during evidence, failed to rebut the presumption under Section 20 of PC Act and rendered himself guilty of the offence. The trial Court also did not believe the defence plea that PW1 and PW3 were inimical towards him. Accordingly, it convicted and sentenced AO1 as stated supra, while acquitting AO2.
Hence, the appeal by AO1.
3) Heard arguments of A.Hariprasad Reddy, learned counsel for appellant/AO1 and Sri Ghani A.Musa, learned Special Public Prosecutor (Spl.PP) for ACB cases.
4 a) Impugning the judgment of the trial Court learned counsel for appellant firstly argued that AO1 was not competent to issue pattadar pass book and title deed to PW1, and he is not concerned with the process of issuing them. As such, there was no official favour pending with him to demand any bribe. Therefore, the claim of prosecution that AO1 demanded bribe for issuing pattadar passbook and title deed has no legs to stand.
b) Secondly, he argued that on the two vital ingredients of crime i.e. demand and acceptance, except the highly interested and inimical evidence of PW1, there is no other evidence, since no shadow witness was arranged by TLO to watch the events occurred between PW1 and AO1 and the sole evidence of PW1 is not believable because of his grudge and ill-feeling towards AO1.
c) Thirdly, he argued that admittedly some persons were loitering at the hall of VAO building where allegedly AO1 received the bribe amount from PW1. Those persons must be knowing the truth regarding the trap incident. However, prosecution has not examined any of those persons to prove the trap incident.
d) Fourthly, he argued that the interested evidence of PW1 was proved palpably false by the spontaneous explanation of both the accused. He argued that their explanation unveiled that PW1 paid tainted amount on the pretext of giving expenditure for drafting partition deed between him and his brother but not as bribe.
He thus prayed to allow the appeal.
5a) Per contra, supporting the judgment learned Spl.PP. firstly argued that though AO1 was not competent authority to issue pattadar pass book and title deed, but he was very much part of their preparation which is evident from the facts that when PW1 approached Superintendent (LW5) at MRO Office as per his instructions, he (LW5) called AO1 and instructed him to receive photostat copy of sale deed (Ex.P7) and photos from PW1 and prepare pattadar pass book and title deed and in fact, those documents contain his signature and handwriting indicating that official favour was pending with him to enable him to demand bribe.
b) Secondly, he argued that the alleged political rivalry between PW1 and PW3 on one hand and AO1 on the other is a concoction to wriggle out the case and the same was rightly rejected by the trial Court.
c) Thirdly, with regard to trap incident he argued that only on further demand of AO1, PW1 paid the tainted amount as bribe and the explanation of AO1 at the time of trap was quite different from one during trial and therefore, the trial Court rightly rejected his defence plea. He argued that demand and acceptance were amply established by the prosecution and mere non- examination of persons loitering near the hall of scene of offence will not render prosecution case false.
He thus prayed to dismiss the appeal.
6)    In the light of above rival arguments, the point for determination in this appeal is:
“Whether the judgment of the trial Court is factually and legally
7 a ) POINT: It being a trap case, the prosecution by cogent evidence shall be able to establish the two vital ingredients i.e. demand and acceptance of bribe by AO1 to bring home the charges levelled against him. In this case, admittedly prosecution case mainly pivots on the evidence of PW1—the complainant on the aforesaid ingredients, as admittedly no other witness was present at the time of alleged demand of bribe by AO1 and also admittedly the TLO did not send any shadow witness to accompany PW1 to observe the events transpired between him and AO1. Therefore, the evidence of PW1 assumes very much importance and it needs a close scrutiny.
b) A perusal of evidence of PW1 would show that he deposed that on the instructions of LW5—the Superintendent of MRO Office, when he went and met him, he called AO1 and instructed him to take the photographs and copies of sale deed from AO1 and prepare pattadar pass book and hand over to him and then on the instructions of AO1 he started moving behind him and on 12.07.1999 when he met AO1 at VAO building, AO1 demanded him to bring Rs.1,000/- to issue pattadar pass book and title deed and when PW1 expressed his inability, AO1 curtly told that pass book would not be issued unless he pays the bribe. He also told that pass book and title deed were made ready and he would deliver them after obtaining signatures of MRO, if he pays the bribe amount to him. We further find in the evidence of PW1, unwilling to pay bribe he got prepared Ex.P3 —report through PW3 and submitted to PW8—DSP who registered FIR and laid trap on AO1 on 13.07.1999. As per the evidence of PW1, on 13.07.1999 he along with trap party members went to VAO building and then he alone proceeded to Room No.2 of AO1 and met him and asked about his pass book and title deed. AO1 replied that they were made ready and enquired about the bribe amount. PW1 replied in affirmative and then AO1 took him to adjacent hall and demanded to pay the bribe and accordingly, PW1 paid tainted amount of Rs.1,000/-. AO1 received the amount and went to the opposite Room No.3 where AO2, the document writer was sitting and asked him to keep the money with him and he would get back in the evening. Then, PW1 came out and gave pre-arranged signal. This is precisely the evidence of PW1. So, according to him, he paid the amount as bribe but not otherwise. Of course, PW1 was declared hostile by learned Public Prosecutor on one aspect. As per 161 and 164 Cr.P.C. statements of PW1, AO2 was also present in the room of AO1 when PW1 paid the bribe amount to AO1 and witnessed the same and thereafter, AO1 handed over the amount to AO2 but his evidence on this aspect was otherwise as narrated supra. So, on this slight discrepancy PW1 was declared hostile and cross-examined by Spl.PP with reference to his earlier statements. Be that as it may, a careful perusal of evidence of PW1 shows that no inconsistent material was extracted in the cross-examination to discard his evidence. His evidence on the aspect of demand and acceptance, it must be said, consistent and cogent. Further, his evidence on material particulars was amply corroborated by PW2—mediator and PW8—TLO. Therefore, in spite of the fact that no shadow witness was sent along with him, still the sole testimony of PW1 proved trustworthy to establish the two vital ingredients of demand and acceptance.
c) Now coming to defence arguments, firstly it was argued that AO1 was not competent to issue pattadar pass book and title deed and as there was no official favour pending with him to demand any bribe, the allegation of demand itself is false. I am afraid this argument, as rightly observed by the trial Court, is untenable. It is true that AO1 is not the issuing authority of pattadar pass book and title deed but the facts and evidence would show that he was very much part of processing the pass book and title deed. As rightly argued by learned Spl.PP, when PW1 approached LW5 he called AO1 and instructed to prepare pass book and title deed. Further, Exs.P1 and P2 contain the signatures of AO1 as identified by PW4.   All this would cumulatively show that AO1 was not altogether a stranger to the process of preparation of pattadar pass book and title deed rather he was a part of it. Hence, he cannot argue that no official favour was pending with him to demand bribe from PW1.
d) Regarding the respective political affiliations of PW1, PW3 and AO1 etc., in the cross-examination of PW1 no doubt, he admitted that he and PW3 belonged to Telugu Desam Party and one Challakuru Sundarami Reddy and Srinivasulu Reddy belonged to Congress party. However, PW1 expressed his ignorance as to whether AO1 was friendly with the aforesaid Sundarami Reddy and Srinivasulu Reddy. He categorically denied the suggestion that PWs.1 and 3 are inimical towards AO1, since he was friendly with those Congress party leaders. Thus, PW1 did not admit his enmity that AO1. Then PW3 is concerned, he deposed that he does not know whether AO1 belong to Congress party or not. He denied the suggestion that himself and PW1 got filed a false case against AO1, since he was moving closely with Sundarami Reddy and Srinivasulu Reddy. Thus, PWs.1 and 3 have denied their mutual closeness and their colluding together to foist a false case against AO1 due to the fact that he is a follower of Congress Party leaders of their village. Having failed to extract the required material, it appears that AO1 examined DW1. DW1—Sesha Reddy a resident of Mitta Atmakur deposed the facts that AO1 was favourable to Congress party people such as Sundarami Reddy and Srinivasulu Reddy whereas PWs.1 and 3 who belonged to Telugu Desam party were litigants and they bore grudge against AO1 and they proclaimed that they would get AO1 removed from the post of VAO. Thus, AO1 sought to prove animosity of PWs.1and 3 towards him through this witness. However, in the cross-examination of Spl.PP, PW1 admitted that there were disputes between him and PWs.1 and 3. Therefore, the evidence of DW1 cannot be accepted. Thus, the evidence on record would show that except party differences there was no rivalry between PWs.1 and 3 on one hand and AO1 on the other so as to wreak-vengeance against him. Even otherwise, the facts would show that PW1 is a sheer illiterate and that was why he got scribed Ex.P3—complaint through PW3. As such, it is very difficult to believe that such an illiterate person can venture to hoodwink ACB police to foist a false case against AO1.
e) The third argument is that admittedly at the time of trap some people were loitering near the hall at the scene of offence and TLO has not taken any of them as mediators and he has not examined them to speak about the trap incident and so, the trap events lost their sanctity. Merely because the TLO did not examine the persons moving in the vicinity of scene of offence that by itself the evidence of PWs.1, 2 and 8 and trap incidents cannot be disbelieved when they are otherwise cogent and convincing. Hence this argument cannot be appreciated.
f) Fourthly, it is argued that in view of spontaneous explanation of AO1 and AO2 to the effect that PW1 paid the tainted amount for getting partition deed drafted, the allegation of AO1 demanding and accepting bribe fizzle out. This contention was also untenable in view of inconsistent defence pleas taken by AO1 at different stages i.e. during trap proceedings and during trial.   During trap proceedings, in Ex.P9—second mediators report the explanation of AO1 before TLO and other trap party members was to the effect that on that day PW1 came to the room of AO1 and enquired about issue of pass book and title deed and AO1 replied that they were yet to be signed by MRO, Gudur and asked him to come after a couple of days. Then, PW1 asked him to get partition deed prepared dividing the property between him and his brother; he (AO1) called AO2 —document writer who was running his office in opposite room No.3 into the hall of the building. As PW1 paid an amount of Rs.1,000/- towards the charges for preparing the partition deed, he received the said amount with his right hand and gave the same to AO2 asking him to prepare partition deed saying that he would tell the details of the deed later. Accordingly, AO2 received the amount and went to his room and AO1 came to his room No.2 and in the meanwhile, ACB officials came and caught him.
g) So, as per the above explanation, PW1 at first came to AO1’s room and requested him to get a partition deed drafted and thereafter, AO1 called AO2 who was sitting in the opposite room to the hall and there, handed over the amount of Rs.1,000/- paid by PW1 to AO2 saying that he would furnish the required particulars later.   However, during evidence the suggestion given to prosecution witness and answers provided in 313 Cr.P.C. examination are quite contrary to the above explanation. His latter explanation is to the effect that on 13.07.1999 PW1 straightaway approached AO2 and paid Rs.1,000/- in order to prepare partition deed and then came to the room of AO1 and informed him that he paid Rs.1,000/- to AO2 towards expenses to prepare partition deed and requested him to furnish the survey numbers to AO2. While doing so, he caught hold and shook both hands of AO1. This is altogether a different defence plea. It is true that an accused, though not furnished any explanation at the time of trap, can submit his defence plea during the evidence or in 313 Cr.P.C. examination and it cannot be discarded on the mere ground that it was furnished at a belated stage. On the other hand, it has to be accepted if it is trustworthy. However, it must be noted, an accused cannot take different inconsistent pleas at different stages, in which case, it must be said that his defence will lose sanctity. That is the case now. The trial Court rightly rejected his defence plea being inconsistent. Added to it, the trial Court believed the evidence of PW6 and rightly held that when maximum amount for drafting the partition deed was only Rs.100/-, it would be difficult to believe that PW1 would pay Rs.1,000/- to AO1 for preparation of partition deed. Besides, PW1 staunchly denied the theory of partition deed. So, for all the above reasons, the explanation cannot be accepted.
8)   Thus, on a conspectus of entire evidence on record, it is clear that prosecution by cogent evidence established the demand and acceptance of bribe by AO1 and deserved itself to claim presumption under Section 20 of PC Act in its favour. On the other hand, AO1 failed to rebut the presumption by submitting a cogent explanation. Therefore, he is liable for the charges under Sections 7, 13(2) r/w 13(1) (d) of PC Act.
9 ) In the result, this Criminal Appeal is dismissed by confirming the conviction and sentence passed by the trial Court against AO1 in C.C.No.19 of 2000.
As a sequel, pending miscellaneous petitions if any, shall stand closed.
U.DURGA PRASAD RAO, J Date: 04.07.2014 Note: L.R. Copy to be marked: YES / NO Murthy
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Kalicheti Gopala Reddy vs The State Of A P


High Court Of Telangana

04 July, 2014
  • U Durga Prasad Rao