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Jitendrabhai Sanabhai Solanki vs Heard

High Court Of Gujarat|30 September, 2013


1. Heard Mr.Krunal Pandya, learned counsel for the applicant and Mr.D.M.Devnani, learned Assistant Government Pleader for the respondent-State.
2. RULE.
3. By way of this application, the applicant-Original petitioner has prayed for restoration the main matter i.e. Special Civil Application No.13637 of 2013, which stands dismissed for default for want of non-prosecution, as the applicant-original petitioner could not remove the office objections.
4. Considering the averments made in this application, this Court is of the opinion that the main matter i.e. Special Civil Application No.13637 of 2013 requires to be restored as prayed for and delay, if any, caused in filing the application deserves to be condoned, on a condition that the applicant-original petitioner shall remove the office objections on or before 15.10.2013.
5. In view of the aforesaid, Special Civil Application No.13637 of 2013 is restored on the aforesaid condition and delay, if any, caused in preferring the application is condoned.
6. If the office objections are not removed on or before 15.10.2013, the main matter i.e. Special Civil Application No.13637 of 2013 shall stands dismissed automatically.
7. Registry is directed to list the matter for its admission only after the aforesaid conditions are fulfilled by the applicant. Rule is made absolute.
(R.M.CHHAYA, J.) Suchit Page 2 of 2
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Jitendrabhai Sanabhai Solanki vs Heard


High Court Of Gujarat

30 September, 2013