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Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd vs M.V. Dopet Iv & 5

High Court Of Gujarat|18 October, 2013


1. This suit is pending since Year-2001 and it has already been adjourned for 199 times.
2. Today, also the parties have jointly requested for adjournment on the ground that discussion for over all settlement are in progress.
3. It appears that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant is inclined to prosecute the suit on merits and both the parties seek adjournments on the ground that they are in process of arriving at overall settlement. The matter is being rotated on the cause list and every time the hearing is required to be adjourned on account of request by learned advocates for the contesting parties.
4. In this view of the matter, the suit is adjourned Sine-die with clarification that the matter may be listed for hearing on the cause list only after both the parties file joint application signed by learned advocate for both sides with a request to list the matter for the purpose of placing settlement on record or for the purpose of prosecuting the matter on merits with assurance that adjournment will not be requested for. The matter is adjourned Sine-die.
(K.M.THAKER, J.) Girish Page 2 of 2 HC-NIC Page 2 of 2 Created On Sat Dec 12 02:36:40 IST 2015
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Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd vs M.V. Dopet Iv & 5


High Court Of Gujarat

18 October, 2013