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Heirs vs Mahammad

High Court Of Gujarat|21 June, 2012


Heard learned advocates for the respective parties.
It is jointly submitted by learned advocates for the respective parties that if Special Civil Suit No.254 of 2010 is directed to be expeditiously disposed of, then, they do not invite any reasoned order.
Learned Senior Civil Judge, Vadodara is hereby directed to dispose of Special Civil Suit No.254 of 2010 in accordance with law and without being influenced by the order passed by this Court, as early as possible preferably within a period of two years from the date of receipt of present order.
In view of above, Appeal from Order is disposed of. No order in Civil Application and same is disposed of.
[M.D.Shah, J.] satish Top
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Heirs vs Mahammad


High Court Of Gujarat

21 June, 2012