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Heirs And Legal Representativeof ... vs Praful Rammiklal Upadhyay & 3

High Court Of Gujarat|21 October, 2013


The Registry has put up a Note dated 18.10.2013 indicating that as per the order dated 30.09.2013 of this Court, the fresh addresses of respondents Nos.2/1 to 2/3 have not been supplied by the learned advocate for the petitioners. Mr.M.P.Prajapati, learned advocate for the petitioners prays for further time, in order to ascertain the correct addresses of the unserved respondents and supply them to the Registry. The needful be done on, or before, 13.11.2013.
List on 13.11.2013.
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Heirs And Legal Representativeof ... vs Praful Rammiklal Upadhyay & 3


High Court Of Gujarat

21 October, 2013