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Diwaliben W vs State Of Gujarat &

High Court Of Gujarat|18 September, 2013


Shri Devang T.
Shah, learned advocate for the petitioners seeks permission to withdraw this petition, as his submission is in respect of Gujarat Revenue Tribunal s patent error in not recording correct facts qua relinquishment of right of the daughters. Permission as sought for is granted. Petition is disposed of as withdrawn. Rule discharged. Ad-interim relief granted earlier shall stand vacated. No order as to costs.
At this stage learned AGP submits that the grounds available to the respondents may also be permitted to be urged if such an application is filed before Gujarat Revenue Tribunal.
It goes without saying that in case such an application is preferred, it shall be preferred in accordance with law, keeping all the grounds open to both the sides.
In view of this, civil application does not survive and is disposed of. Notice discharged.
(S.R.BRAHMBHATT, J.) vgn Page 2 of 2
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Diwaliben W vs State Of Gujarat &


High Court Of Gujarat

18 September, 2013