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Dhaneepsinh vs Gujarat

High Court Of Gujarat|21 June, 2012


N.R. Desai, learned advocate for Mr. S.P. Majmudar, learned advocate for the petitioner has prayed for permission to withdraw the petition on the ground that the petitioner has received a communication dated 22.5.2012 from the respondent company.
The permission as requested for is granted. The petition is disposed of as unconditionally withdrawn. The Court has not entered into and examined the merits in view of the request to withdraw the petition. Copy of the said communication dated 22.5.2012 is retained on the record.
It is clarified that this order shall not be construed as Court's view or opinion on merits in respect of any of the aspects directly or indirectly connected with or arising from this matter.
Thaker, J.) Bharat* Top
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Dhaneepsinh vs Gujarat


High Court Of Gujarat

21 June, 2012