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Choice Laboratories Ltd & vs Union Of India Thro Joint

High Court Of Gujarat|20 September, 2013


(PER : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE AKIL KURESHI) Through this Note for Speaking to Minutes, it is pointed out that in our order dated January 24, 2013 passed in Special Civil Application No.10133 of 2012, in paragraph 9 of the order we have referred to excise duty of Rs.16.78 Crores by mistake, instead the correct figure should be Rs.16.78 Lacs. The error shall be corrected accordingly.
Similarly in the same paragraph, the same figure at another place is typed as Rs.16.53 Lacs instead of Rs.16.78 Lacs . It is also pointed out that in paragraph 10 of the said order, the date of the impugned order is wrongly mentioned as 06.08.2008 instead of 07.06.2012 . All these errors shall be corrected. Fresh copies be supplied to the parties.
Note is disposed of accordingly.
(AKIL KURESHI, J.) (MS SONIA GOKANI, J.) Aakar Page 2 of 2
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Choice Laboratories Ltd & vs Union Of India Thro Joint


High Court Of Gujarat

20 September, 2013