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Ashvin vs State

High Court Of Gujarat|28 April, 2011


(Per : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE RAVI R.TRIPATHI) 1.0 Present application is filed by the applicant - convict through jail seeking Temporary Bail for a period of 45 days so as to get his mother treated and also to arrange for another rental house.
2.0 Rule was issued on 22nd April 2011 returnable today i.e. 28th April 2011. Learned Additional Public Prosecutor Mr. Pandya made available for perusal the Statements recorded of the mother, father and the brother of the applicant - convict.
2.1 The learned Additional Public Prosecutor invited the attention of the Court to the Jail Remarks. Only in the months of January - February 2011, the applicant - convict was granted Temporary Bail for a period of 15 days. Besides, his conduct in jail is unsatisfactory.
3.0 No case is made out for grant of Temporary Bail. Hence, this application is rejected. Rule is discharged.
[ Ravi R. Tripathi, J. ] [ P. P. Bhatt, J. ] hiren Top
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Ashvin vs State


High Court Of Gujarat

28 April, 2011