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Anil Kumar And Another vs State Of U P And Another

High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad|21 February, 2019


Court No. - 41
Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. - 6890 of 2019 Applicant :- Anil Kumar And Another Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. And Another Counsel for Applicant :- Ravindra Prakash Srivastava Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.
Hon'ble Vivek Chaudhary,J.
Heard learned counsel for the petitioners and learned A.G.A. for the State.
The present 482 Cr.P.C. petition has been filed to quash the entire proceedings of Case No.763 of 2017 (State Vs. Kamlesh Majhi and others) arising out of Case Crime No.886 of 2016 under Section 223 IPC PS Kotwali, distt. Bast pending in the Court of CJM, Basti and chargesheet No.01 of 2016 dated 13.11.2016, summoning order dated 2.2.2017 in aforesaid case.
Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that the offence as alleged are non-cognizable and therefore neither the charge sheet could have been submitted by the Investigating Officer nor the learned Magistrate could have taken cognizance in view of the explanation under Section 2(d) of Cr.P.C.
It is further stated that the only course open to the learned Magistrate ought to have treated the case as a complaint case and to have proceeded with, in accordance with law accordingly.
Reliance has been placed on the decision of this Court dated 15.05.2018 passed in Application U/S 482 No. 5917 of 2006 wherein this Court has taken view that neither the charge sheet could have been submitted by the Investigating Officer nor the learned Magistrate could have taken cognizance on the same, treating it as a State case.
Learned AGA on the other hand submits that while the learned Magistrate may not have taken cognizance on the charge sheet treating it to be a State case. However, it was open to the learned Magistrate to follow the complaint case procedure.
Considering the above, no useful purpose would be served in keeping the present petition pending before this Court. It is provided that the petitioners may move fresh application before the trial court with regard to his objections under Section 2 (d) CrPC. In case such an application is made by the petitioners within two weeks from today, the same shall be considered and decided by the trial court in accordance with law within a period of two months from the date a certified copy of this order is placed before it.
With the aforesaid, the present application is disposed of.
Order Date :- 21.2.2019 RajneeshDR) (Vivek Chaudhary, J.)
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Anil Kumar And Another vs State Of U P And Another


High Court Of Judicature at Allahabad

21 February, 2019
  • Vivek Chaudhary
  • Ravindra Prakash Srivastava