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Amarben vs State

High Court Of Gujarat|29 October, 2010


(Per : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE A.M.KAPADIA) Leave to join Police Inspector, Shaherkotda police station, Ahmedabad as respondent no. 5.
Notice to respondents returnable on 16th November, 2010 on condition that the applicant shall deposit Rs. 10,000/- as cost to show his bonafide, with the Registry of this Court on or before 3rd November, 2010.
Chetna M. Shah, learned Additional Public Prosecutor appears and waives service of notice on behalf of respondent no.1 State of Gujarat.
Notice to respondent nos. 2, 3 and 4 shall be served through respondent no. 5 Police Inspector, Shaherkotda police station, Ahmedabad.
The respondent no. 5 is directed to trace out the corpus Manju who is allegedly in illegal detention of the respondent no. 3 and produce her before the Court on the returnable date.
Direct service to respondent no. 5 is permitted.
(A.M.Kapadia,J) (V.M.Sahai,J) ***vcdarji Top
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Amarben vs State


High Court Of Gujarat

29 October, 2010