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Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation vs Shalimar Industries

High Court Of Gujarat|27 September, 2013


(PER : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE JAYANT PATEL) When the matter is taken up for hearing, Ms.Jhaveri for the appellant Corporation states that after preferring of the appeal, in the settlement formula, the respondent has settled the matter and the taxes are paid. She places on record the original noting dated 26.03.2012 and also the application dated 06.02.2012 made by the respondent to the Corporation.
In view of the above, the cause in the appeal would not survive and hence, the same shall stand disposed of accordingly.
(JAYANT PATEL, J.) (Z.K.SAIYED, J.) bjoy Page 1 of 1
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Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation vs Shalimar Industries


High Court Of Gujarat

27 September, 2013