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Aazamali vs State

High Court Of Gujarat|28 June, 2012


Mr. Kodekar, Ld. APP waives service of rule for the respondent State.
Having considered the submissions advanced by Mr. Bhavsar, Ld. Advocate for the applicant, so also considering the medical certificate dated 23/6/2012, wherein it is stated that the operation of the wife of the applicant - accused is scheduled on 30/6/2012, the application deserves to be partly granted. The temporary bail for 30 days is requested.
In above view of the matter, the application succeeds in part and the applicant-accused is ordered to be released on temporary bail for a period of 2 [two] weeks from the date of his actual release, on his executing personal bond of Rs.10,000/- with one surety of the like amount, to the satisfaction of the jail authority, on condition that upon expiry of the temporary bail period, the applicant shall immediately surrender to the jail authority.
Rule is partly made absolute. DSP.
(J.C.UPADHYAYA, J.) * Pansala.
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Aazamali vs State


High Court Of Gujarat

28 June, 2012