Kokilaben, daughter of Hirabhai Jethabhai Makwana, is produced in Court today by the police. She claimed her age to be 25 years. She also accepts her marriage with Yogeshkumar Dharamshibhai Parmar in 1998, but she does not want to go with him, rather, she prefers to go with her parents. She was not detained illegally by her parents. She was living with them at her own will. No case of illegal detention. The allegations are found false.
When she is not illegally detained by her parents, we see no merit in this petition. Petition stands dismissed. Notice is discharged.
In pursuance of our direction, the petitioner deposited Rs.5,000/- to see the bonafides in the allegations and the allegations are found false. The Registry is directed to pay Rs.5,000/- to Kokilaben after verification as the allegations are found false.
MEENA, C.J.) (J.C.
UPADHYAYA, J.) [sn devu] pps