Learned APP Mr.L.R.Pujari waives service of rule on behalf of the respondents.
This application is preferred by the applicant, convict-prisoner, through Jail, for releasing him on temporary bail on the grounds that he has to pay fees to the Advocate, who has been engaged to conduct the appeal and the other prayer is about final hearing of the Criminal Appeal, filed by him.
The applicant, convict-prisoner is convicted for the offences punishable under Sections 395, 397, 504 and 506(2) of the Indian Penal Code and is sentenced to undergo ten years rigorous imprisonment. The Criminal Appeal of the applicant is on board and learned advocate appearing in the Criminal Appeal may make it convenient before this Court for hearing of the Criminal Appeal. The ground mentioned for temporary bail is not sufficient and hence, this application deserves to be dismissed.
In the result, this application stands dismissed. Rule is discharged.
R. VORA,J.] [D.
N. PATEL,J.] vijay