Court No. - 16
Case :- CONTEMPT APPLICATION (CIVIL) No. - 5508 of 2017 Applicant :- Satpal Opposite Party :- Manoj Kumar Jain & Another Counsel for Applicant :- Vatsala Hon'ble Ashwani Kumar Mishra,J.
A conditional interim order has been passed by this Court on 8.9.2017 in Writ Petition No.41605 of 2017, staying the award. It is stated that the terms of the order have not been complied with, and even the award is also not being implemented.
In the facts and circumstances, if the allegation of applicant is correct that the conditions contemplated in the interim order have not been complied with, it is always open for the applicant to move an appropriate application for execution of the award. Contempt petition would not be the appropriate course to follow.
Contempt petition is, accordingly, dismissed.
Order Date :- 28.11.2017 Anil