THE HONOURABLE SRI JUSTICE B.PRAKASH RAO C.R.P.No.769 OF 2008 Dated 01ST July, 2010 Between:
Musturi Ramachandra …petitioner And Thalla Chandra Sekhar and ors …respondents THE HONOURABLE SRI JUSTICE B.PRAKASH RAO C.R.P.No.769 OF 2008 ORDER:
The petitioner’s grievance in this revision under Article 227 of the Constitution of India is against the rejection of the application filed by him under Order Rule 10 A R/w Section 94 (e) and 151 of the Code of Civil Procedure to send documents under Exs.X.3 and X.4 to the opinion of the handwriting expert. The Court below having considered the same did not find favour and dismissed the same. Hence the revision.
Having considered the submissions and also on perusal of the material, it is seen that such an exercise at this belated hour without making a proper request at the appropriate time do not entitle the petitioner to seek any such indulgence. Further, it is always open for the petitioner to make out his case even on the evidence which is available on record. In view of the same, I do not find any merit or warrant to interfere with the order under Article 227 of the Constitution of India.
The revision is accordingly dismissed. No costs.
(B.PRAKASH RAO,J) Date:01st July, 2010 grk