Court No. - 21
Case :- CRIMINAL MISC. WRIT PETITION No. - 26224 of 2017 Petitioner :- Dilip Kumar Kannaujiya Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 2 Ors. Counsel for Petitioner :- Rupak Chaubey Counsel for Respondent :- G.A.
Hon'ble Krishna Murari,J.
Hon'ble Akhilesh Chandra Sharma,J.
This writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India has been filed by the petitioner for quashing the impugned First Information Report dated 09.11.2017 registered as case crime No. 970 of 2017, under Section 41/411 I.P.C., Police Station Rohaniya, District Varanasi.
A bare reading of the impugned FIR goes to show that the allegations prima-facie constitute commission of cognizable offence, hence, there is no reason to quash the same.
Writ petition, accordingly, stands dismissed.
However, if the petitioner appears before the court below within three weeks from today and applies for bail in the aforesaid case, it is expected that the same will be considered and disposed of in accordance with law.
Order Date :- 27.11.2017 nd