THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE C.V.RAMULU WRIT PETITION No.7621 of 2009 Dated: 28.06.2010 Between:
B.Venkateswara Reddy. .. Petitioner And The Regional Director, E.S.I. Corporation, Hyderabad, and another. .. Respondents.
Heard the learned counsel on either side.
The only grievance of the petitioner is that he submitted a representation to the 1st respondent-Regional Director, E.S.I. Corporation, Hyderabad, on 12.09.2008, seeking to take appropriate action against the management under Section 45-A of the Employees State Insurance Act (for short ‘E.S.I’ Act) and also to forthwith take all necessary steps of his name being enrolled with the E.S.I. Corporation making him entitled for all the benefits under E.S.I. Act, but so far the 1st respondent has not acted upon the said representation.
In the facts and circumstances of the case, without expressing any opinion on merits, the 1st respondent is directed to consider the representation dated 12.09.2008 purported to have been made by the petitioner and pass appropriate orders within a period of four weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of this order and communicate the same to the petitioner.
Accordingly, this writ petition is disposed of. No costs.
C.V.RAMULU,J 28.06.2010 v v